Well I've been meaning to write so often over the last couple of weeks. The magic of color and the glory of sound happened simultaneously. That in between Jack's FIRST birthday and Molly's SEVENTH left me composing posts in my head in bed at night instead of publishing them. What an incredible journey. On Friday of last week I crossed off my very last note for color. I turned the pile of paper over with a satisfied breath and then felt a sudden wave of emotion knowing I was letting go of the film. Setting it out into the world to find it's way. What a rush.
The last week my mind has been suddenly filled with images and sound bites over the last two years. The first call from my producing partner Jason Potash when he read an early draft. The first pitch meeting at an agency while battling morning sickness. Location scouts in Michigan. Getting talent! Losing talent. Getting new better talent! Raising money. Losing money. Pushing the film. Meeting Gina Resnick and being told we'd 'have to shoot in NY'. Having JACK. Getting back into pre-production with a brand new baby. Missing when Molly lost her second tooth and missing HER for 5 weeks too long apart. Buying proper Director shoes. Toasting the 100th roll of film. The EDIT. The month off. The seemingly endless search for the end title song. The gorgeous strings that came to life in Prague. Collaborating with Matthew and listening to score with the baby monitor in the background. Telling the story with color. What a great ride. I'm so grateful to everyone who came on this part of the journey with me.
For now it's wait and see time. Which will be interesting. And I'll have to learn even more patience. But boy am I ready. Ready for whatever comes next.
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